Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Cinta Membawa Derita dan Bahagia
So untuk mengisi masa yang terluang, believe me, memang banyak sangat masa aku yang terluang kat opis tew, dan untuk mengelakkan aku turun shopping, aku berfacebook ha ha addicted bukan sebab apa, sebab jumpa balik member sekolah, member matrik, member kolej dan juga ex-girlfriend aku ha ha kalau aku ajak dia kuar makan lunch, laki dia marah tak? Karang aku jadi bahan berita Harian Metro laks...kejs skals.
ok, lets backdated for few thangs (pinjam too much too handle punya - he said orang Ipoh memang cakap cenggitu) that happen in my life since the last entry. I mean the last full meaningful entry ha ha
So, my kazen berkahwinlah dengan pilihan hatinya. Seorang guru sekolah memandu merangkap pewaris kepada perniagaan itu daripada bapanya....long-term investment neh, pandai kazen aku. Wedding is wedding, nothing so special, yang special pun aku takleh nak cerita kat sini ha ha the guy seems like any other average guy...tapi yang paling penting, my kazen look happy. Never I saw her that happy before. Tergedik sana, tergedik sini, tergedik sana dan sini, sampai aku terpaksa ingatkan dia yang hari itu adalah hari perkahwinannya, bukan hari sukan sekolah. Semoga pertalian ini akan kekal hingga ke akhir hayat mereka berdua. Amin. Aku jadi cameraman untuk separuh masa kedua di rumah pengantin perempuan dan sepenuhnya di hari kenduri rumah lelaki. Pengantin, sila emailkan artwork-artwork saya ittew untuk saya jadikan portfolio saya ye, supaya saya buleh memohon kerja sebagai cameraman di jurugambar kenduri kawen ha ha
The traveling from KL to Penang was awesome. Walaupun aku letih lepas balik dari opis dan badanku sakit-sakit (after Ipoh, sebelah tangan aku dah cramp-cramp). Along the way, I realised that it has been a year since the last time I travel through North-South highway to Penang, a place where once I confidently believe that I will settle down. And now, sejak aku tinggalkan 2 tahun lepas, ini baru kali keempat kot aku datang balik. And how thing has changed. Highway tuh pun change jugak...agak pening juga sebab signboard semua size mini kat area Ipoh tuh but R&R Sg. Perak memang meletop cuma aku rasa ia semakin mengecil ha ha motip ko renovate untuk memberi keselesaan tapi hasilnya semakin sempit? Kenderaan berat banyak sekals dan yang peliknya, time naik bukit diaorang neh memotong! Feeling-feeling kenderaan ko tuh ringan macam kapaslah? Sempooootttssss occay. Alhamdulillah, sampai juga setelah meneguk dua botol red bull dan melantak pau di Sg. Perak. Juga dengan menjegilkan mata sekuat-kuatnya sekali sekala. Nak suh adik aku bawak, tiba je dia buat statement, dia tak reti bawak keta auto....apa ke bengapnyerlah!!!
Batu Feringghi adalah syurga....CD PIRATE!!!! Mana ko nak dapat sekeping DVD RM4.00 saja'? Gambar cantek lagik, takde kepala-kepala orang or bunyi orang makan kuaci segals. Memang dah aim lama nak shopping pirate CDs kat sini tapi tak pernah berkesempatan untuk ke Penang. Ha Ha jauh siot beli CD. Gaygeh katanya. Akhirnya, berkat kegaygehan dan ketegaran, berjaya juga aku sambar beberapa CD..punah RM40.00 owh, the night out was accompany by Shandye and my bro. This was the first time jumpa dengan Shy so he's a bit shy ha ha but it was fun. My bro keep on talking bout gigs and indie scene with him and asking skema-skema question...aku, blur!! Shy pulak memberi ulasan macam reporter majalah HAI! or EH! ha ha but full of info-info yang strong. Part nak pick him up from Taman Koskam, Kepala Batas was a bit menakutkan kerana malam yang gelap dan the Taman is so very the village jauhnya uols!! Later, we were greeted with traffic jammed on the bridge back and forth. Berjabu arkitek dan engineer yang terlibat dengan pembinaan Jambatan Pulau Pinang neh kena maki dengan kitaorang....ada buat dua lane saja'...haiyoooo....always tau, never look forward..
Hiks...melompat-lompat entry aku kan, baca jelah...jangan banyak citer. Keje biasa je, kejap busy, kejap tak busy...tapi seronok kat sini. Bila boring, buleh pergi shopping. Bila rasa nak makan jejauh, naik LRT je, dah buleh pergi makan jejauh he he takdelah mengadap nasi staff cafe yang nan ado ittew. Rasa nak tengok wayang, habis kerja, layan movie dulu. Walaupun aku kena korbankan sedikit masa tidur (sebab kena bangun awal) tapi takpe. Walaupun terpaksa bersesak-sesak dalam LRT tapi takpe. Walaupun kena berlaga bahu dengan orang ramai yang shopping, tapi takpe daripada aku melengak sorang-sorang kat bilik melayan ASTRO or berjalan-jalan tepi pantai sambil planning apa nak buat the next cuti or duduk dalam opis online....owh Redang..please gimme a reason to miss u.
ngantuk ar...korang baca ni jelah dulu...ada lagi nak bebel neh tapi ngantuk ar.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
rancangan tergendala sebentar he he
kat opis takleh nak berblog...sangat payah occay
lagipun sekarang neh tengah addicted Facebook ha ha
saper yang ada facebook add me k
Art Touch
Monday, November 24, 2008
giat memplagiat
haiyooo....tak sangka uols, ada juga orang yang buat perkara-perkara sebegini. Artikel copy and paste tu biasalah, melambak kat blogspot neh tapi yang kopi paste jurnal hidup orang lain dan feeling-feeling itu jurnal hidup dia adalah sangat keji uols!!!
Though, aku allergic jugak dengan entry kopi paste yang sangat plastik. Plastik sebab aku rasa ia sangat tidak sincere. Entry itu adalah kopi paste dan tidak ada nota mengatakan ia adalah kopi paste, apatah lagi kudos kepada pemikirnya yang menulis. Senang-senang je kopi dan paste, ubah sikit-sikit dan mengaku sendiri punya kerja. Memanglah ko letih mengeditnya tapi karya asal adalah hak milik orang lain....apalah salah kalau kau tulis sikit * kat bawah tuh...adaptasi daripada entry.....peon...ha...buat link...ini tak, sebulatnya ko kopi then ko ubah gaya bahasa je...kejilah ko neh!
Ada jugak tuh yang kopi paste bahan-bahan dan info-info ilmiah, sekali baca memang nak tergelak sebab ko rasa penulis tu sendiri tak faham apa yang dia entrykan, yelah kopi paste. Bila kau baca komen, ada pulak yang tergedik-gedik berterima kasih dengan info yang diberikan, motif!!!! Kau tak perasan ke ia adalah entry kopi paste!!! Ke kau tinggalkan komen kerana kau ada hidden agenda...yelah gambar pemilik blog itu macam tasty kan tapi ingat, gambar itu juga mungkin hasil kopi paste haha
Oklah, mungkin niat dia baik (kita harus bersangka baik) nak berkongsi maklumat tapi saranan aku, betterlah kau buat sedikit kudos kepada pemilik asal karya ataupun kalau ia adalah berdasarkan rujukan dari mana-mana bahan ilmiah, nyatakan sekali. Begitu lebih adil. Apa kau rasa kalau orang kopi paste kerja kau dan take credit from it, then one day, orang kata kau yang kopi paste kerja orang...tak kau menyirap...tak your blood go upstairs?
Kepada yang kopi paste jurnal hidup orang lain dan menjadikannya jurnal hidup diri sendiri tuh, sepatutnya pada masa anda berniat untuk kopi paste itu lagi anda sudah sedar yang YOU HAVE NO LIFE AT ALL!!! Go get a hobby ar sian sangat aku orang macam ni, dah takde hape sangat nak cite. Orang berblog, ko pun nak blog tapi orang ada idea....ko punya idea hanyalah kopi paste. Kenapa ko tak kopi paste je Harian Metro online, utusan online, atau apa saja yang online ha ha kita tengok sapa kena saman. Gaygeh ko ni kan.
Kalau dah takde idea sangat tapi tetap gaygeh nak buat blog jugak, ko tulih je hape-hape yang ko suka....walaupun orang lain takkan faham dan hanya ko je yang faham. Bak kata ada sorang blogger tuh, ko upload je gambar shampoo pantene yang ko baru beli kat watson petang tadi
wakakakakakkaka.....mari kita ketawakan dia!!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
dilarang masuk
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hari itu...16 Oktober
It wasn’t planned.
It was just dinner dan disebabkan tak ada kedai makan yang buka sebab semuanya masih dalam mood raya dan kenduri kendara
So…dia aku bawa ke Beach Restaurant
Aku memang selalu teringin dinner kat siniThis was the second time aku dinner kat sini
The first time, I was alone…makan sorang-sorang
Semasa itu aku MOD
The ambience memang meletops
So aku bawak dia ke sini
Just untuk makan malam
Lagipun sini tak crowded dan takde HOD yang lepak kat sini
So...less soal jawab
I know specific table
Lepas dah ambik table
Dia beaming
Muka dia merah
Dia juih mulutnya menunjuk ke sebelah kiri
Ke arah laut
On the horizon bulan penuh
Cahaya bulan terlampias ke laut
Sedikit jalur putih di atas permukaan air laut yang tenang
Angin bertiup lembut
Langit cerah
Seketika waiter datang
Off course waiter kenal aku dan layanan memang first class
Sebab kalau layanan diaorang fail, diaorang kena repeat training lagi sekali haha
Layanan pada dia juga kelas terbaik….beaming tak terkata member
Background ada lagu instrumental
Atas meja ada candle
Beaming di mukanya masih menyala-nyala
Food come and go
Memang meletops sedapnya
Sebab tukang masak memang kamceng dengan aku
Dia masak sedap-sedap spesel untuk kitaorang katanya
Dia kata dia nak nangis
Dia tak sangka dia dapat layanan macam ini dari aku
Aku tak berani nak kata
Aku tak plan semua ni
Aku senyum je
Takut nanti spoil the mood
Sampai ke sudah dia beaming
Everything just happen on the right track
One after another
I was blessed
We were blessed
Sekejap dia duduk mengadap laut
Sekejap dia mengadap aku
Aku je tak beralih
Sekejap amek gambar aku
Sekejap amek gambar dia
Sekejap amek gambar makanan
Walaupun aku allergic orang amek gambar makanan
Aku biarkan aje
Sebab dia nampak betul-betul gembira
Aku tak banyak cakap
Dia je banyak cakap
Tapi senyum tak lekang di bibir
Beaming tak lekang di wajah
Dia happy
Aku bersyukur di happy
Memang itu yang aku mahu
Balik dia pegang tangan aku
Genggamannya lain…pandangannya lain
Aku mencari secebis bahagia
Now aku dapat berkilo-kilo bahagia!!!
Yang paling membahagiakan
Adalah aku dapat membahagiakan dia
Thursday, November 06, 2008
sangat berguna statement2 pak cik ini uols!
Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99
Wear sunscreen
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be
it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by
scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable
than my own meandering
experience…I will dispense this advice now.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not
understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.
But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and
recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before
you and how fabulous you really looked….You’re not as fat as you
Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as
effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing
bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that
never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm
on some idle Tuesday.
Do one thing everyday that scares you
Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with
people who are reckless with yours.
Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes
you’re behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with
Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you
succeed in doing this, tell me how.
Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.
Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your
life…the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they
wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year
olds I know still don’t.
Get plenty of calcium.
Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone.
Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll have children,maybe
you won’t, maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky
chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…what ever you do, don’t
congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – your
choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s. Enjoy your body,
use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people
think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever
Dance…even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.
Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them.
Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for
Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the
people most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you
should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and
lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you
knew when you were young.
Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live
in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.
Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will
philander, you too will get old, and when you do you’ll fantasize
that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were
noble and children respected their elders.
Respect your elders.
Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund,
maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one
might run out.
Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will
look 85.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who
supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of
fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the
ugly parts and recycling it for more than
it’s worth.
But trust me on the sunscreen…
(Brother and sister together we'll make it through
Someday your spirit will take you and guide you there
I know you've been hurting, and I know I've been waiting to be there
for you. And I'll be there, just helping you out, whenever I can.
Everybody's free.)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Izinkan Aku Pergi
hmmm...aku dah tender resignation.
aku dah dapat kerja lain
kerja yang aku pernah buat sebelum ini di suasana yang berbeza
kerja dalam bidang yang I am more passionate about
aku dah nak tinggalkan Pulau Fantasi Island neh
cukuplah setahun sengah kat sini
dah puas tengok laut
tengok dinding
tengok lamb chop di jalanan
tengok ASTRO
tengok manusia eksotik ha ha
Selamat Tinggal Pulau Fantasi Island
you have been great to me
muah muah muah
good bye
oh, by the way, Selamat Tinggal TERENGgayNU hehe
Monday, September 29, 2008
Guru Yahya
You Are the Guru |
![]() You are a naturally good counselor. You are inspiring, encouraging, and compassionate. You are eager to help everyone who crosses your path, even those who don't want to be helped. You are a natural healer. People feel at peace when they are with you. You are so good for people, in fact, that they go through withdrawal once you're gone. You quietly do your own thing, without openly resisting. You secretly try to fix every problem. Your biggest regret is not being able to help as many people as you'd like. |
Saturday, September 27, 2008
donkey he hok
> One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for
> hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the
> animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't
> worth it to retrieve the donkey.
> He invited all his neighbours to come over and help him. They all grabbed a
> shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized
> what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted
> down.
> A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was
> astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the
> donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up.
> As the farmer's neighbours continued to shovel dirt on top of the
> animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon,
> everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of
> the well and happily trotted off!
> Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to
> getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of
> our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by
> not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up.
> Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
> 1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.
> 2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happen.
> 3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.
> 4. Give more.
> 5. Expect less
> NOW --------
> Enough of that crap . . .
> The donkey later came back, and bit the shit out of the farmer who had
> tried to bury him. The gash from the bite got infected, and the farmer
> eventually died in agony from septic shock.
> When you do something wrong, and try to cover your ass, it always comes back to
> bite you.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
dulu aku sains sosial di sains school
You Are 48% Sociopath |
![]() You're not a sociopath, but you're very prone to antisocial behavior. Other people's opinions matter little to you. You live your own fringe life - for better or worse. |
Friday, September 19, 2008
During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question. She said,
'How do I know if I married the right person?'
I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said,
'It depends. Is that your husband?'
In all seriousness, she answered 'How do you know?'
Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's
weighing on your mind.
Here's the answer.
EVERY relationship has a cycle. In the beginning, you fell in love
with your spouse. You anticipated their call, wanted their touch, and
liked their idiosyncrasies.
Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard. In fact, it was a
completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO
anything. That's why it's called 'falling' in love... because it's
happening TO YOU.
People in love sometimes say, 'I was swept off my feet.' Think about
the imagery of that ___expression. It implies that you were just
standing there; doing nothing, and then something came along and
happened TO YOU.
Falling in love is easy. It's a passive and spontaneous experience.
But after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades. It's
the natural cycle of EVERY relationship. Slowly but surely, phone
calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always
welcome (when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead
of being cute, drive you nuts.
The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you
think about your marriage, you will notice a dramatic difference
between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or
even angry subsequent stage.
At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking, 'Did I marry
the right person?' And as you and your spouse reflect on the euphoria
of the love you once had, you may begin to desire that experience with
someone else. This is when marriages breakdown. People blame their
spouse for their unhappiness and look outside their marriage for
Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes. Infidelity is
the most obvious. But sometimes people turn to work, church, a hobby,
a friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances.
But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage. It
lies within it.
I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You
could. And TEMPORARILY you'd feel better. But you'd be in the same
situation a few years later. Because (listen carefully to this):
SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. It'll
NEVER just happen to you. You can't 'find' LASTING love. You have to
'make' it day in and day out. That's why we have the ___expression
'the labor of love.' Because it takes time, effort, and energy. And
most importantly, it takes WISDOM. You have to know WHAT TO DO to make
your marriage work.
Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific
things you can do (with or without your spouse) to succeed with your
Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity),
there are also laws for relationships. Just as the right diet and
exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your
relationship WILL make your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause and
effect. If you know and apply the laws, the results are predictable...
you can 'make' love.
Love in marriage is indeed a 'decision'... not just a feeling.
enuf said.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
kinky katanya
You Are 85% Kinky |
![]() If you've heard of it, you've tried it. You're that kinky. You're open to any and all sexual experiences, as long as they're safe. You see the bedroom as the primary place for all your adventures. But that's not to say that the bedroom is the only place you get kinky! |
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Pengalaman bercuti di kampong semasa cuti sekolah yang lalu – Episod 6
Harga tiket $8 sahaja, samakan figurenya dengan harga tiket di Malaysia tapi….you do the math ha ha RM32 ok! But it was worth it. Ada dua orang je dalam panggung tuh termasuk aku, maybe because it’s weekday and cinema tu pun macam jenis yang tak popular je. The cinema itself is a good reminder of our local GSC tapi jangan bayangkan GSC yang besar-besar tu, lebih kurang GSC Summit Bukit Mertajam, GSC Kuantan, standard-standard macam tulah, tak meletop sangat just lite-lite oren keselesaan dia.
SATC was so entertaining and intriguing in its on way. I have been following the series since the first season, first episode, sampailah sirinya tamat dan sekarang movie pulak. I felt so attach to the film, rasa macam cerita diri sendiri pulak….macam mana tu?
Oklah, not gonna tell more on SATC, perhaps none of you are a big fan of this series pun so what’s the point.
After SATC, from Chinatown I walked to Oxford Street. Time is already noon, so just to kill time until the performance tonite. Takde apa pun kat sini, kedai-kedai je he he katanya….here I found this good bookshop, very good for me la and I bought this…
Show starts at 7pm so I have to be there latest by 6 pm. Took a bus to the harbour and walk to Opera house…promised lil bro that we meet at the box office. Credit handphone pulak habis…tawakkal jelah, janganlah dia buat-buat lupa ke, buat-buat lembab ke.
Once reach there, lil' bro dah tunggu, cool, he is learning to be punctual ha ha rupanya ada reason kenapa punctual. Whateva, nasib baik aku tak join the rest of the family to bondi.
So while waiting, we snappy-snappy sikit untuk menjeleskan orang kampong di Malaysia
It was quite hard to decide whether nak tengok Hamlet by Bellshakespeare or Frank Woodley, Possessed.
Piker punya piker, later decide to watch Frank Woodley, murah and duration of show is just nice. Hamlet though tempting tapi 3 jam and I don’t want to mengejutkan my lil bro yang baru nak cuba try test tengok teater ni macam mana. Teater kat Malaysia pun dia tak pernah tengok ok. Bunda pulak lagi best, dia kata “Teater Melayu pun aku tak faham, kau nak suruh aku tengok yang ni pulak.” Tak paham katanya….
One good thing is that you don’t have to wear formal ke or baju batik segala bagai macam pergi tengok show dekat IB, pakai je apa kau nak asalkan presentable, senang!
A lil bit on the performance…hmmm…category oklah, some of our local performance are much better. Standard-standard show kat Penang je sebab banyak sangat lawak slapstick but….but..the energy adalah sangat menakjubkan dan ia dimainkan oleh seorang pelakon sahaja. Seorang pelakon yang membawakan dua watak.
Nak kata dia hebat sangat wouldn’t be farelah sebab dia memang seorang pelakon komedi yang sangat berpengalaman dan performance ni memang makanan dia, so bolehlah dikatakan yang dia buat show ni just untuk mengisi masa lapang ha ha a more detail review of the performance will be posted in blog bakawalee n tetamu
That’s end the day…puas hati sangat hari ni..dapat tengok SATC, cruising di Oxford Street and watch a play at Opera House…magnificent!! Priceless!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
You Are 59% Non Conformist |
![]() You definitely have your freak flag out, and from time to time, you wave it. You have some pretty strong opinions, and you're not afraid to express them. |
below is the definition of conformist and non-conformist that i quote from urbandictionary.com:
Despite popular belief, we are -not- all conformists. We are however, all influenced by sources other than ourselves. An 'individual' would be a person whom does what he/she wishes to, for reasons that he/she has justified themselves, rather than doing something because someone else deems it as correct, or 'cool', a conformist does the opposite. In short, a conformist gives way too much of a shit about what others think.
Sadly, the polulation has decided to categorise themselves as one thing or another, leading to so many labels, that we just assume that everyone is being a conformist slut, the vast majority of the time.
The whole "Emo" thing is the current conformist favourite, even though the concept is that "Nobody understands me." and "I'm so different.", when everyone undergoes this transformation, being a basketcase is now 'cool'.
I say we don't give them psychological help, and instead leave them to bleed from the wrists, crying, until they die.
I scored 59% that means i am a non-conformist....tak jadi pengikut trend he he
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Pengalaman bercuti di kampong semasa cuti sekolah yang lalu – Episod 5
Hari bermula dengan bangun pagi seawal-awalnya…dah la semalam punya letih tak habis lagi, hari ni kena pulak bangun pepagi. Nevertheless, everybody manage to pull themselves out of bed and siap dalam masa yang ditetapkan.
Trip hari ni akan bawa kitaorang ke Blue Mountain. Ada banyak lagi tourist agent yang menawarkan trip ke Blue Mountain tapi yang ini best and murah jugaklah.
Our guide name is Brent. Memang tourist guide sungguh!!! Dialah guide, dialah driver, dialah tukang bancuh kopi, dialah tukang buat lawak, dialah juga peniaga direct selling yang berjaya ha ha memang puas hati bersama Brent on that day. Dah la rupa dia ada iras Mr. Big dalam SATC he he
First stop adalah Wildlife Park apa benda ntah, dah tak ingat tapi pergi semata-mata nak tengok Koala Bear. Koala Bear kat sini boleh pegang-pegang, kat tempat lain tak boleh. Tapikan, aku tak ada gambar dengan koala bear sebabkan, aku amek video, pastuh video tuh terdelete he he sangat bengong kejadian ittew. Jadi kita tengok menatang lain jelah ye..
Ada kangaroo dan wallabies
Ada penguin Happy Feet
Tak sampai Blue Mountain lagi ye, dalam perjalanan, trip stop sekejap untuk pertunjukan membaling boomerang oleh……..Brent!!!!! multi-tasking sungguh Brent neh. Pertunjukkan sahajalah, sambil dia ajar macam mana nak main menatang tuh tapi takdelah pulak dia nak suruh kitaorang try Cuma bila dah naik bas semula, si Brent ni start jual boomerang tu ha ha direct selling katanya.
Next stop is the Blue Mountain yang menjadi sebutan ittew. Sini ada The Three Sisters rock formation yang sangat popular ittew dan juga the steepest train ride in the world. Whoa memang steep uols..he he videonya juga terdelete ha ha terpaksalah korang pergi tengok sendiri or google je. Kita tengok gambar tiga adik-beradik pompuan yang gaygeh ittew
Asyira Bella, Nurina Fasya dan Zarinatul Mazlen sedang pose-pose cantik di dalam kabus selepas hujan
Asyira Bella, Nurina Fasya dan Zarinatul Mazlen yang bertukar menjadi batu kerana mereka sudah bosan menjadi manusia dan mereka mahu mencuba sesuatu yang baru.
Kitaorang ada dekat sini dalam sejam lebih je, kemudian terus ke lookout point di kawasan Blue Mountain jugak tapi jauh sikit ha ha sebenarnya aku dah lupa nama tempat ni. Here, kitaorang picnic dengan kopi and tea yang disediakan oleh Brent beserta biskut yang rasanya sungguh lemak-lemak sedap.
Itulah Brent yang pakai spek mata hitam. Yang berpeluk tu, laki bini dari San Diego, AS. Cina kat depan tuh, orang Singapore tapi duk kat AS.
Yang hujung tuh, couple dari New Zealand yang sentiasa lambat dalam segala segi, yang depan tuh, bro metal yang jiwang bila tengok wombat ha ha
Bunda nak tanam pokok neh depan rumah…aku kata…wateva!!! Tengoklah muka penuh harapan dia tuh..
Small bro suka rumah ni tapi lepas amek gambar baru perasan ini bukan rumah tapi church!!!
Sini juga ada satu kedai cokelat yang sangat meriah ok….aku capai itu ini tapi akhirnya aku tak beli apa pun ha ha there’s too many too choose from, kalau tak ada cari, dah ada…tak reti pulak nak pilih ye tak.
Next stop is the Olympic Park. Takde benda sangat kat sini, macam pergi Stadium Bukit Jalil je, tempat besar-besar tapi tak ada orang.
Ini nama-nama volunteer yang diabadikan pada tiang-tiang di perkarangan Stadium ni…mereka-mereka yang berjasa yang dijadikan bahan muzium sekali lagi ha ha
Stop terakhir setelah mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada Brent. Dia hantar kami sampai sini sahaja. Dari sini kami akan naik feri menyusuri sungai hapakebendantah menuju ke Sydney Harbour.
Tak ada apa yang menarik sepanjang perjalanan menyusuri sungai dengan feri tu, sekali-sekala kami berhenti untuk mengambil dan menurunkan penumpang. Di sesetengah tempat kelihatan rumah-rumah orang kaya yang tak tahu nak buat apa dengan duit diaorang melainkan invest untuk rumah-rumah besar tepi sungai with jetty and boats.
Dalam feri ni aku dah berkira-kira mahu ke Opera House….aku mahu dapatkan tiket untuk one of the performance the next day. Mahal pun mahal ar, bukan tiap-tiap hari kau dapat tengok show dekat Sydney Opera House ye tak, lagipun from the brochure that I saw, the performances sounds interesting…hmm…so once we dock at Sydney Harbour, weols catwalk ke Opera House for the ticket of….Frank Woodley play!!!!!
Me at the box office
Next will be the final day and performance day….yeay!!!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
i knew it
Your Independence Level: High |
![]() You are extremely self reliant and autonomous. You are definitely into doing your own thing. But you also wouldn't turn down help if you needed it. You follow your own path, but you don't do so blindly. |
Monday, September 01, 2008
Hadiah Hari Ulangtahun ke-3
Ini award dari bilik termenung
Brilliant Weblog is a prize given to sites and blogs that are smart and brilliant both in their content and their design. The purpose of the prize is to promote as many blogs as possible in the blogsphere.Here are the rules to follow:
With this, I would like to Nominate 7 other blogs and they are:
hakak ponenosaurus
pegawai lokman uih uih
of kapal laut and heli pad
tepak sireh
monyet kaler merah jambu
Another award...
Rules dia camnih:-“ANDA HENDAKLAH MENYEDIAKAN SATU UCAPAN BERANGAN ”It has been done according to the following rules:
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees
thank you to hakak cendawan yang menganugerahkan I dengan award ini. Saya tidaklah sangat berbesar hati menerima award yang tak seberapa ini kerana saya pernah menerima award yang lebih mahal lagi daripada ini. Award ini akan saya dermakan kepada Tabung Darah Malaysia, pandai dialah nak buat apa. Oklah, saya busy. Maafkan saya kerana agak berlagak ucapan saya ini tetapi saya tidak mahu menipu diri sendiri.
Dengan ini saya menominasikan:
count byron
sis sast
mata kecek
drop in
of memoirs and musings
kesemua pemenang akan dinotifykan pada 31 Ogos 2008 bersempena dengan ulangtahun blog ini.
Thursday, August 28, 2008

“Selamat tinggal kengkawan... jangan sedih.. aku cuti sebulan jer...”
Do'a malaikat Jibril menjelang Ramadhan "Ya Allah tolong abaikan puasa ummat Muhammad, apabila sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan dia tidak melakukan hal-hal yang berikut:
* Tidak memohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada kedua orang tuanya (jika masih ada);
* Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu antara suami isteri;
* Tidak bermaafan terlebih dahulu dengan orang-orang sekitarnya.
Maka Rasulullah pun mengatakan Amiin sebanyak 3 kali. Dapatkah kita
bayangkan, yang berdo'a adalah Malaikat dan yang meng-amiinkan adalah
Rasullullah dan para sahabat, dan dilakukan pada hari Jumaat.
Di kesempatan in saya memohon ampun dan maaf di atas kekasaran tingkah laku dan tutur kata yg pernah dilakukan. Halalkan makan dan minum selama kita bersama. Semoga hidup kita diberkati ALLAH sehingga bertemu RAMADHAN yang MENDATANG!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
3 tahun uols!!!
this coming 31st, this blog gonna be 3 years old!!!
how can i tak perasan ha ha
OMG!!! OMG!! OMG!!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
ha ha coverina sangat
cuba perati muka misha masa dia tarik part 'kau sungguh kejam' nampak sangat dalam hati tengah kata...alamak sangkut pulak!! Tapi memang tabik spring ar...cover dengan duduk tuh!!
satu lagi cara yang memang Anugerah Academy Award katanya
janganlah ketawa??? aku tengok kau sendiri nak ketawa....wakakaka yang ni pun tabik spring...baru tersembam gedebuak atas stage..dah buleh tarik lagu tinggi-tinggi..catwalk konfiden macam takde apa yang berlaku.
Both happen on the same nite! same performance! one after another ha ha that's what friends are for kan...
Yang dua ini pula coverina yang tak jadi sebab tak reti...kurang pengalaman kot
aiyoooo...what happen apa terjadi?
Azuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuraaaa!!!! Panjang giler....Jamal pun tak mampu nak buat he he nak celen Mus May kot
Both of this also, on the same night, same performance, one after another...
Nak duk atas stage tuh, kena pandai cover dik...jangan tunggu PC baru nak cover..contohilah akak dua orang yang sangat diva ittew!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Pengalaman Bercuti di Kampung Semasa Cuti Sekolah Yang Lalu-Episod 4
Perjalanan dengan bas taklah lama sangat, dalam 10 minit je tapi yang tak bestnya bas ni, bila dah sampai destinasi terakhir, takde pulak pilot tuh bagitahu, dia buat diam je. Tourist macam kita ni manalah tahukan, ramah tamah le sikit...kekwat!
First stop is The Rock. Sini pun ada macam fleamarket yang kebanyakkannya gerai-gerai menjual barangan hasil-hasil seni. Di Malaysia ada ke? Selain pasar seni? Di sini ada yang pelik-pelik, yang kita tak pernah terpikir nak buat jual, yang kita tak pernah terpikir kalau jual boleh buat duit tapi memang boleh jual dan boleh buat duit.
Ada satu kedai pancake yang sangat famous dan sangat panjang ok beraturnya, kitaorang tak taste pancake so kitaorang tak berahi nak beratur dalam sejuk-sejuk tuh ha ha
Dari The Rock kami sekali lagi menyelusuri tepian pelabuhan menuju ke terminal feri. Sekarang ni cadangnya nak ke Darling Harbour tapi tak nak naik bas atau train, nak naik feri. On the way snappy-snappy sikit feeling-feeling buat shooting pakaian musim sejuk he he
Bila hujan dah reda sikit (sikit je, tetap gerimis lagi) kitaorang sambung catwalk ke terminal feri and borded a ferry to Darling Harbour. Aku dah tak sanggup menahan sejuk, jeket ZARA dah kurang membantu sekarang ni tapi family members yang lain gigih bergambar kat luar...kulit tebal agaknya.
Di maritime musuem ada menempatkan sebuah kapal perang dan sebuah kapal selam Angkatan Tentera Laut Australia yang sudah tidak digunakan lagi. Itulah nasibnya setelah sekian lama berjasa, oleh itu janganlah kamu berjasa sangat sebab nanti kena jadi bahan muzium ha ha jadilah orang yang tidak berjasa supaya kau boleh Rest In Peace ha ha voleh!!
"Were you on of the navy serve in this machine?"
"Were you in the navy back then?"
"No, I just do volunteer work here"
"Cerita bukan main lagi, entah-entah propah je" ha ha yang ini ayat aku seraya berlalu dengan muka kekwat seorang pelancong.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Pengalaman Bercuti di Kampung Semasa Cuti Sekolah Yang Lalu - Episod 3
This part of Sydney is actually design part by part. From Chinatown to the Opera House you akan jumpa Entertainment district where all the theater, cinemas, arcade and any entertainment outlet you can name of. Next block is the shopping malls section-where Queen Victoria Building is, followed by offices blocks then later the arts section which stretch till Opera House. Semua ni along George Street and Pitt Street. No, Pitt Street has nothing to do with Brad Pitt. There’s a story on Pitt Street but I can’t remember, I ingat George Street je lagipun perjalanan hari ini adalah sepanjang George Street.
George street ini kisahnya merupakan settlement pendatang yang pertama sekali di Australia. Bukan sempena nama George O’Malley, Grey’s Anatomy ya! Orang-orang Australia ni (selain dari aborigine) asalnya adalah banduan-banduan yang dibuang negeri dari england sanun. Omak ai…jauh bonar kau kono buang eh jang, cam mano mak nak molawat ko rayo nanti!?
Mesti kalau kena buang jauh-jauh ni sebab kesalahan-kesalahan beratkan macam membunuh ke, mengaku diliwat ke, mengadakan perhimpunan haram ke tapi rupa-rupanya ada yang kena buang sebab curi kuda dan sebab curi pisau dapur. Curi kuda tu maybe la kesalahan beratkan masa tu, maybe kuda mahal tapi curi pisau dapur???? Buleh!!!! Macam tak berbaloi je kena hantar jejauh sebab kau curi pisau dapur. MR kau jangan nak curi pisau dapur aku, nanti aku hantar kau ke Ostolia ha ha ha neways, si pencurik kuda dan si pencurik pisau dapur akhirnya bertemu jodoh di Ostolia katanya…kan…ada hikmah di sebalik setiap yang berlaku.
Ini sejarah betul tau, aku baca kat dinding muzium yang berbentuk rumah separuh horror ha ha tapi macam kelakar jugaklah, diaorang ni dulu banduan, pastu kena buang negeri pulak tu, tapi bila dating sini, buka penempatan, tiba-tiba beratus tahun kemudian nama diaorang gah sebagai pembuka Ostolia. Padan muka makcik-makcik kat kampong tuh yang kutuk-kutuk diaorang pencuriklah segala bagai, korang ada nama diingati dan disebut-sebut sehingga beratus tahun lamanya? Nan ADO!!! Eh, ADO?? Hiks…nanti ada orang terasa pulak hiks..neways aku rasa auntie yang curik pisau dapur tuh memang sengaja mencuri sebab nak pergi melancong ke Ostolia katanya. Nak curi benda mahal-mahal tak reti sebab diri tu bukan pencuri so curi benda yang biasa-biasa jelah.
On the way we stumble upon this junction to Liverpool Street. Small bro pointed to me the three monkeys which remind me of the movie see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. The place looks interesting but not for me ha ha
Tadaaaa…Queen Victoria Building (for more information on this building asked Mr. Google or Ms. Yahoo)
The building is so nicely crafted and magnificent tapi wait until you see the interior.
Tadaaaa….melertskan….look at the mosaic!! Ignore the SALE bunting.
This is actually a shopping mall with the exterior of bangunan dulu kala dan dalamnya dipenuhi dengan branded shop outlets hinggakan brand ko tak pernah dengar pun ada tapi the way they presented their outlet seems like they are some big brand ar. We didn’t shop here because half of the outlet you can find kat KL, the price is almost the same, even with the sale so what’s the point.Look at this stairs….beside it is an elevator with an old system…aku rakam tapi dah terdelete he he
And this is gents….Sebenarnya singgah sini nak kencing je ha ha lariiiiiiiikkkkk…..
Jauh lagi ni nak sampai ke Harbour Bridge..He he macam spookykans
Ha ha OMG!!!! This is TMTH uols!!!
Puff Daddy pergi clubbinglah tew
First glimpse of Harbour Bridge..
Masa ni ingatkan dah pukul 11 malam ke hapa sebab dah lama sangat jalankan, rupanya baru pukul 8.30 malam. Tapi crowd macam dah kurang pulak. So kitaorang snappy-snappy berlatarkan Harbour Bridge and Opera House dalam hujan gerimis dan kesejukan malam.
wah...penamat macam penamat citer novel ayat-ayat cinta pulak....ewah..ewah..eh eh
Next day pulak na..